how to tell if your website is mobile friendly.

How do you know whether your Website Is Mobile friendly or not?

There are a few quick and easy ways how to tell if your website is mobile friendly. Even if you think your website already is mobile ready, Google may have suggestions how to improve mobile usability for each individual page. Yes, even if you have started out with a responsive WordPress theme, or design, Google will inspect every element on your page for example, you may have links that are too close to each other, etc. You can fine tune each page to ensure your entire website is mobile friendly. It will be well worth it to optimize your most popular pages to prevent their ranks on google from dropping overnight

Here’s 4 Easy Ways How to tell if your website is Mobile Friendly

Test your website on a mobile phone

View your website in your mobile phone. Does the website load fast? Can you easily navigate? This is the first and easiest hint if your website is mobile-friendly. This may seem obvious but, you’d be surprised how many business owners have not even tested their website on a mobile phone. Think how your potential customers will feel navigating you website. Will they get frustrated and leave? Or will they quickly find what they’re looking for?

The Screen Shrink Method

On your desktop monitor, visit a page on your website and try shrinking the window to see if the design will scale and fit the page properly. Make the window into a small rectangle. Does you design become fluid and respond to the screen size or does it stay the same? Try testing other web sites to compare yours to see a difference how they respond.

Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test

Check out the official Google mobile friendly test page

Input your URL into the bar and hit the “ANALYZE” button. The page will load and hopefully, your results say this: “Awesome! This page is mobile-friendly.

Google’s Webmaster Tools – Mobile Usability

Just when you think your website is mobile friendly, you can uncover some pages that have errors. It’s worth it to fix these pages if there’s just a few.